
Agisoft Photoscan三維及成圖軟件

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Agisoft PhotoScan
                                                Smartefra, stear ndf riendlier
    AgisoftPhotoScavnersion1.0 incorporateasil.the bestfeatures of Photo-Scans oftwarey ou area ccustometdo and offersy ou new capabiLitietsoexploitt he powero f photogrammetritce chniquesto full extent.
DensPoint Cloud Editing and Classification
PhotoSca1n. 0h asa reconsiderewdorkf toudt hatc outdb ef urthere ditedw ithint he Photoscaenn vironmentA.utomaticA roundp ointc lassificatiocna pabilitym akesit easyto exportD TMw, hitef ut[ supporot f standardL IDARc lassesp rovidesa dditiona flexibiL ityi n photogram metricw orkflow.

DEMS: harpF eaturewsi thQ uatityIn terpolation
PhotoSca1n. 0i ncludesim provedD EMi nterpotationm ethodf or surfacegenerationfr om pointc toud.l t maintainss harpp ointc loudf eaturespresenitn the modetf,i lting missingr egionsin the reasonabtaen dn aturalway.S upptementasrye ttingsh elpt o customizein terpoationp rocedure:switchi t off comptetelyo r enabtee xtrapotatioonu tsidet he captureda rea.

OrthophotAo:c curatCeo loRr eproduction
Thank to the improvedb l.endingm ethodP hotoSca1n. 0 producesse amtessorthophotosw ith accuratec otorr eproductionA.n optionaIb rightnesscorrectionfu nctione nabtesto obtainp erfectr esultse venf rom datasetsshot in poorw eatherc onditionsl.t is capabteo f exposurev ariationsa ndvignettingc orrectiona sw ell as reductiono f BRDF-retateisds ues.

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